At higher blood alcohol concentration levels, alcohol acts as a clear depressant, which can cause people who drink to pass out if the dose is high enough. At even higher levels, people who drink face the danger of life-threatening alcohol overdose due to the suppression of vital life functions. As mentioned before, alcoholism and addiction don’t discriminate against age, ethnicity, or background.

In fact, research shows that individuals who engage in comprehensive and personalized recovery programs have higher success rates in achieving long-term sobriety. So while cold showers, hot coffee, and fresh air might feel a little refreshing to someone who has been drinking all night, none will make you sober. Alcohol tolerance is when drinking the same amount no longer produces the same level of buzz.

myths about alcohol

Others might develop a tolerance for alcohol over time and need more of it to feel its effects. Higher tolerance can lead to higher levels of drinking, which can have negative health effects. Since alcohol affects multiple major organ systems, drinking in excess increases the possibility of health problems in all parts of the body. High tolerance also increases your risk for dependence and addiction. There are purported benefits, as well as pitfalls, to consuming alcohol. Once it enters your system, it triggers immediate physiological changes in the brain, heart, and liver, among other organs.

  • While it’s true that relapses can happen during the recovery journey, that doesn’t mean that treatment is ineffective.
  • And aside from genetic differences, higher alcohol tolerance is a common sign that someone is developing alcohol dependence.
  • There are plenty of treatment options for alcohol addiction available to you at any point in your journey.
  • This effect is due to the vasodilatory properties of alcohol, which cause blood vessels to expand, increasing blood flow to the skin and extremities, thereby facilitating heat loss to the environment.
  • Even if you never drank that much when you were young, you can have problems with drinking as you get older.

The belief that mixing different types of alcohol leads to higher levels of intoxication is a common misconception. The primary factor in intoxication is the amount of alcohol consumed, not the variety. The liver metabolizes alcohol at a consistent rate, so mixing drinks does not change how quickly alcohol enters the bloodstream. Similarly, the physical volume of different alcoholic beverages may vary, but the actual alcohol content determines the effect on the body, regardless of whether they are mixed or taken separately.

Myth: You can still occasionally drink while in recovery

Unfortunately, most of what the public knows about alcoholism is surrounded by misinformation and myths about what is and how it affects the person struggling and those close to them. We gathered the top 10 myths surrounding alcohol addiction and have debunked them with the truth, but first, we provided a brief overview of what alcoholism is. If you or someone you care about is struggling to control myths about alcoholism their alcohol consumption, it’s important to get help for the problem. Ria Health offers support to help people quit or cut back on drinking, all from a smartphone app. Choose moderation or abstinence, get access to medication and coaching, and do the whole thing from the comfort of home. In truth, any amount of binge drinking (drinking to get drunk) is a threat to your safety and health.

myths about alcoholism

Despite the potential dangers, myths about drinking persist, which—for some—can prove fatal. In an IOP, patients are able to live at home and attend therapy and group sessions during the day. Because the individual will be living at home, IOPs are frequently used after residential programs as a step along the continuum of care. This is meant to ease the patient back to an unsupervised life while maintaining sobriety. Thinking a person is too old to have a drinking problem is one of many alcohol myths and is simply not true.